Ensuring the Success and Sustainability of Third Sector Organisations and Social Enterprises by Boosting Digital Skills and Competences

The Framework of Digital Competences for Third Sector Organisations (TSOs) and Social Enterprises (SEs) and the Toolkit on Digital Skills are available.


EU3Digital aims to gather and develop learning resources for TSOs and SEs to increase individuals' and organisations' digital competences. The EU3Digital outputs serve to support them in advancing their digital strategies, engaging with existing digital support and software, and building capacity.

Digital development leverages many opportunities for TSOs and SEs, as they operate in ever-changing settings and their employees often find themselves wearing many ‘hats’  – digital technologies and skills offer increased efficiency, outreach and growth for social enterprises and are vital for their capacity to innovate.


Project Outputs

The Curricula and Training Materials and the Toolkit on Digital Skills are practical materials that third sector organisations and social enterprises can use to improve their digitalisation journey. The Framework of Competences and the Policy Paper are theoretical outputs that contribute to the existing knowledge on this topic, aiming to support relevant stakeholders to be more aware of the digitalisation needs of third sector organisations and to act accordingly.


Framework of Digital Competences for Third Sector Organisations and Social Enterprises


Curricula and Training Materials


Policy Paper: Digital Support for Social Impact


Toolkit on Digital Skills


Framework of Digital Competences for Third Sector Organisations and Social Enterprises

To support citizens to become digitally competent, the European Commission has established a Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (‘DigComp’) with a clear set of skill indicators. However, there is no equivalent framework that supports the third sector on their journey to digital maturity. This Framework articulates the first step in a long-term strategic view to develop the digital skills and competences of TSOs and SEs, to build a more modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment inside social enterprises, and to increase their capabilities to work at local and international level.

1.1. Identify digital needs and functions of the organisation;
1.2. Identify, assess, procure and maintain appropriate hardware and software
1.3. Gather, manage and analyse data to further social mission
1.4. Track and act on the potential impacts of current and upcoming tools

2.1. Establish a coherent and efficient infrastructure through integration and rationalization
2.2. Know when and how to outsource
2.3. Train stakeholders to enable digital infrastructure to function effectively
2.4.Evaluate and monitor efficiency and sustainability of digital infrastructure
2.5. Ensure the safety and security of infrastructure, data and stakeholders

3.1. Develop a long term sustainable vision and strategy for digital
3.2. Enable and empower bottom-up creativity and problem solving
3.3. Distribute digital leadership across the organisation
3.4. Explore digital service delivery
3.5. Support digital confidence and continuous learning for all stakeholders
3.6. Establish principles and processes to manage continuous change

4.1. Include all stakeholder groups within digital vision and strategy
4.2. Understand and mitigate the negative consequences and risks of digitalisation
4.3. Move forward on digital inclusion
4.4. Include social and environmental responsibility criteria when evaluating service providers and tools

5.1. Share knowledge and resources with peers
5.2. Make use of existing networks to explore digital possibilities
5.3. Discover the wider digital ecosystem and actively participate


Curricula design and assessment of training

Based on the Framework of Digital Competences for Third Sector Organisations and Social Enterprises, the EU3Digital Curriculum Design aims to provide Third Sector organisations and social enterprise leaders with the competences necessary to lead a successful digital transformation journey. The curricula are formed by a set of twenty-three training units comprising the EU3Digital Curriculum. Each training unit is a base for specific training. 


Policy Paper | Digital Support for Social Impact: How digital competences can improve the action and impact of social enterprises

The aforementioned deliverables of EU3Digital concur with in-depth empirical and literature research conducted for the EU3Digital project. Findings offer detailed insights into how digital competences can improve the action and impact of social enterprises. This policy deliverable converts the research findings into a policy advice paper aimed at informing the European Commission and other relevant stakeholders in their initiatives for developing digital skills and competences in Europe’s social economy ecosystem.


Toolkit on Digital Skills

To support SEs and TSOs with going digital, this Toolkit provides users with a hands-on guide to open access tools, resources, and services that can enable them to adapt dynamically and swiftly to societal changes.

Podcast: master eu3d

The EU3Digital podcast features interviews with team members, fellows, and participants in the project’s training activities. Each episode offers a unique perspective on the latest digital trends and innovations in the EU, and provides valuable insights and practical advice to help individuals and organizations enhance their digital competences. As part of our mission to gather and develop learning resources for TSOs and SEs, our podcast is an excellent resource for those seeking to advance their digital strategies and build their capacity.



The kick-off meeting provided an opportunity to introduce project management, review the project implementation plans, engage in detailed planning, present communication tools, coordinate schedules, establish working groups, and discuss the project’s methodology.

Interviews with third sector experts

The Open University, as the knowledge partner in EU3Digital, conducted a series of focused interviews with a diverse group of experts in each partner country. The objective of this initiative was to build upon and improve previous findings, with the aim of refining the identification of competencies, training, and skills frameworks that are most relevant. Additionally, the experts were consulted to engage in a comprehensive discussion of the most appropriate approach for delivering these outcomes.

Workshops with fellows & consultancy group

The Framework for Digital Competences and Toolkit were subjected to testing with “fellows,” who are leaders of third sector organisations and social enterprises in the project countries (UK, NL, Portugal, Spain, Croatia). The project partners consulted with these fellows at critical stages of development to obtain feedback on the Intellectual outputs. The involvement of the fellows ensured that the project outputs were relevant, appropriate, and adaptable to the needs of third sector leaders throughout Europe.

First training on Organisational Digital Transformation, in Porto

As part of the EU3Digital project, the consortium successfully organized three training sessions in different European countries, including Portugal, Spain, and Croatia. The first training, which took place from June 27 to June 29, was held at the Porto Innovation Hub situated in the city of Porto.

The first training had a specific focus on two critical skills, identified as essential in driving digital transformation within organisations: 1) identifying digital needs and organisational functions, and 2) identifying, evaluating, procuring, and maintaining appropriate hardware and software.

This training programme aimed to address the key challenges of digital transformation and assist institutions in creating a culture, infrastructure, and practices that foster the development of digital capabilities within the organisation. Furthermore, this training aimed to enable individuals to enhance their digital competencies and capabilities.

Second training on Developing Organisational Digital Capabilities for Third Social Sector Leaders, in Barcelona

The second training session of the EU3Digital project took place on 17th and 18th October at the ABD Headquarters in Barcelona, Spain.

The main aim of the training session was to support the strategic transformation of third sector organisations by using digitalisation to reshape their behaviour, practices and systems. To achieve this, the trainers provided third sector organisation managers and project managers with vital strategic thinking skills. The training programme concentrated on increasing participants’ knowledge of strategic tools and innovative methods for redesigning the organisational structure. Additionally, the training aimed to provide insights into measuring, monetising, maximising and scaling organisational impact through technology.

Transnational Meeting and Launching of the Policy Paper

After the second training, the consortium members met for a transnational meeting on 18th and 19th October in Barcelona, Spain. The aim of the meeting was to provide the partners with an opportunity to engage in a reflective and in-depth discussion about the progress of the project, its current status, implementation issues, and other pertinent topics.

The meeting was considered to be of significant importance, as it resulted in the publication of the EU3Digital Policy Paper.

Third training on Organisational Digital Transformation, in Osijek

The third training session for social economy leaders, held in Osijek, Croatia, from 16th to 18th January, was organised to test the curriculum developed by the University of Porto as part of the EU3Digital project.

The training programme was led by Víctor Fancelli Capdevila and David Jacovkis, representing the Spanish association ABD – Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo. The trainers provided insights into crucial topics, such as the significance of understanding the workflow and needs of the organisation before implementing digital technologies, selecting the appropriate tools for the organisation, and implementing the chosen tools, including planning and training.

Multiplier event Scaling Social Impact in Europe

On the 5th of april, the Euclid Network (EN) organised the Scaling Social Impact in Europe event, in The Hague, the Netherland, which aimed primarily at scaling social entrepreneurs’ businesses. During this event, three parallel workshops were hosted: Workshop number one was about how to kick-start the digital transformation of a social enterprise, moving operations online and increasing its impact and the target audience were social entrepreneurs; Workshop number two was about  scaling a social enterprise internationally and learning about  internationalisation skills and competencies. Here the target audience were also social entrepreneurs; Workshop number three was about learning  how to support social enterprises in their digital transformation and internationalisation and the target audience were social enterprise support organisations, centres and intermediaries, trainers and policy makers.


ESLIDER Portugal is an association – network of social entrepreneurs and civil society leaders. Its 60 members are involved in the creation and/or development of social innovation initiatives both at national and international levels.

The Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership’s of the UK Open University mission is to research, engage with, and ultimately to strengthen collaborative leadership in UK voluntary sector organisations.

The Bienestar y Desarrollo Association (ABD in Spanish) is a non-governmental organisation, that defends the rights of people in a socially fragile condition.

The University of Porto is a scientific education and research institution in Portugal and is also an important driver of economic, social, cultural, and scientific development, making the community and the business community one of its strategic vertices.

Dkolektiv – organization for social development is a Croatian non-profit association that supports democratic culture, civil society and volunteering development, equal opportunities and active participation in order to build a human, solidary, sustainable and inclusive society.

Euclid Network (EN) has a strong track record of networking, peer learning and policy impact in the civil society and social enterprise arenas. EN delivers a range of European programmes in the fields of civil society capacity-building, social entrepreneurship, social innovation and responsible research & innovation.



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